Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pam Bailey Healing Artist and Teacher:

Travel to beautiful Hatteras Island and experience the dolphins as you learn.

Energy Anatomy Classes
NCBTMB: combines two classes,
Opening the Healer Within and Deepening the Healer Within

March 5-9
May 21-24
October 1-4

This hands on learning experience combines many elements of energetic, spiritual healing, with physical anatomy to augment any bodyworkers current practice. Great for expanding your reiki

Pam Bailey has 27 years of teaching experience and a successful bodywork practice for 12 years.

This material has been taught to professionals and non-professionals over twenty times.

Cost $350.00 payment schedule available
Please contact for list of hotels/realtors/motels

NCBTMB 24 hours
NC 5131

Meditation for Educators
Travel to Hatteras Island to learn the basics of meditation
and how to adapt meditation to your classroom.

Pam Bailey taught Elementary School for 17 years. She studied meditation for the classroom with John Cabot-Zinn and applied meditation, visualization, relaxation, and grounding techniques to all areas of the curriculum with great success. Meditation is an amazing, effective teaching tool.

April 3 rd
July 17th
November 6th
On Hatteras Island.
from 9 until 3.

$150.00 per class
Text is included with the class.

phone: 252-305-8822

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Judy Marz

Today, I am looking at a great friend and compatriot who died Friday at one in the morning on the leap day of the leap year. Dear Judy would put her hands on you and you would travel to universes well beyond this one. Her work was to uplift and energize the soul, not just for this physical reality but for realities to come.

She was recognized by the Bon people, the Abbot in particular, as one of their own.

The piece of Judy that I love the most is her deadpan face in the middle of telling a story that literally had you lying on the floor laughing. "What?" She would say secretly very pleased by the effect she was having.

In the wake of the Bon ceremonial prayers of forty days and the prayers of all who love her, she is now free and feeling quite great on the other side.

I love you Judy!